API Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction


The XForms API allows you to:

Including the necessary modules

To run XForms, you will need to add the PR2 and XForms modules to your project if they are not already added (typically done in config/standardIncludes):

Creating an XForm

You can create a new XForm by creating a new instance of XFormRenderModule.
$xrm = new XFormsRenderModule();
This will create a blank XForm, so you will need to add content to the form, either from a file or programmatically.

From an XML File

To load an XForm from a file, just load an XForms XML file from your file system into a string (in an application, this XML file should be stored in project/content), then load that string into the XFormsRenderModule.
$formXML = file_get_contents("../../content/sampleForm.xml");
The wiki has documentation on how to write XForms-compatible XML files at the following link: https://wiki.shodor.org/index.php/Shodorx_Forms


Creating a Form Object

To being creating an XForm programmatically, create an instance of the Form class.

$form = new Form();

Adding Text

To add titles demarcating sections of your form, use addText();

$form->addText("Title of the Form Section", "Description of the Form Section");

Adding Form Inputs

To add a form input, use addInput(). Pass in the following, in this order:

To crete a set of checkboxes, you could use the following code to create a "select" input:

$options = array('One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five');
$form->addInput('select', 'My Checkboxes', 'myCheckBox', 'paragraph', true,
                array('One'), $options, 'full',
                'Try clicking on some of the following options...');

To crete a set of radio buttons, you could instead create a "select1" input:

$options = array('One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five');
$form->addInput('select1', 'My Checkboxes', 'myCheckBox', 'paragraph', true,
                array('One'), $options, 'full',
                'Try clicking on some of the following options...');

To crete a dropdown menu, you would use the same code, but with an appearance of 'minimal':

$options = array('One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five');
$form->addInput('select1', 'My Checkboxes', 'myCheckBox', 'paragraph', true,
                array('One'), $options, 'minimal',
                'Try clicking on some of the following options...');

To create a textarea, you would do the following:

$form->addInput('textarea', 'Description', 'description', 'paragraph', false,
                'Replace this text to write a description...', '', '',
                'Please write a description of yourself');

Generating Form XML Finally, we generate XML using buildForm() and pass that output to the XFormsRenderModule.

$outputXML = $form->buildForm('Submit Test Data');

Presenting Forms to Users

Validate User Input

Retrieve and Process Submission Values

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