XSI Class Reference
[XML Service Interfaces]

XML Service Interface - run queries on XML services. More...

Inheritance diagram for XSI:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static prepareURL ($url)
 Prepare the URL by replacing spaces with plusses.

Static Protected Member Functions

static queryURL ($url, $XMLData=null, $key=null)
 Run a CURL command on an XML service URL and return the result.

Detailed Description

XML Service Interface - run queries on XML services.

XSI runs CURL requests, either on a direct URL or based on a URL generated by an SDRServiceRequest


Member Function Documentation

static XSI::prepareURL ( url  )  [static]

Prepare the URL by replacing spaces with plusses.

$url [string]: A URL
[string]: The URL with spaces replaced with plusses

static XSI::queryURL ( url,
XMLData = null,
key = null 
) [static, protected]

Run a CURL command on an XML service URL and return the result.

This is called by either query() (when URLs are passed directly), or querySearchRequest() (when a request object is passed). It simply runs a CURL command and returns the result. If either the $key or $XMLData params are passed, it includes a POST section on the request and sends those variables through POST.

$url [string]: The URL of the XML service
$XMLData [string]: An XML data section to POST with the request
$key [string]: An authentication key to POST with the request
[string]: The XML response from the service (or false on error)

Reimplemented in SDRSearchService.

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Generated on Wed Nov 24 02:05:09 2010 for Common by  doxygen 1.5.6