TKCSERDClassicReview Class Reference

A TK View to display a CSERDClassicReview object. More...

Inheritance diagram for TKCSERDClassicReview:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($review, $params=array())
 render ()
 Converts this component (and any children) to HTML.
 setAppearance ($app)
 Set the appearance for this view.
 setParams ($params)
 Store a new set of params (other than defaults or those passed in with constructor).

Protected Member Functions

 buildButtonBox ()
 Build a box containing the action buttons. This box floats right and is intended to be added to the header/title section of a review view.
 layoutReviewBox ()
 Layout the different components making up a review. Choose whether to add the different components to this object based on the appearance variable.

Detailed Description

A TK View to display a CSERDClassicReview object.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TKCSERDClassicReview::__construct ( review,
params = array() 


$review [CSERDClassicReview]: The review to be viewed
$params [array]: Additional parameters for how this object should appear
  • 'appearance' => full/compact/minimal (how in-depth is the display)
  • 'showButtons' => true/false (show action buttons in the display?)
  • 'landingURL' => SiteURL constant (force a landing URL to be set when one of the action buttons is clicked)

Member Function Documentation

TKCSERDClassicReview::buildButtonBox (  )  [protected]

Build a box containing the action buttons. This box floats right and is intended to be added to the header/title section of a review view.

[TKNullBox]: The box containing the buttons

TKCSERDClassicReview::render (  ) 

Converts this component (and any children) to HTML.

This will only actually generate the HTML once. If render() has been called before, this will only return the results of the previous render operation.

[string] HTML from rendering, or false if there was an error rendering

Reimplemented from TKComponent.

TKCSERDClassicReview::setAppearance ( app  ) 

Set the appearance for this view.

$app [string]: full/compact/minimal

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Generated on Wed Nov 24 02:04:12 2010 for Common by  doxygen 1.5.6