TKBorderPanel Class Reference

Represents a three column, header and footer layout. More...

Inheritance diagram for TKBorderPanel:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()

Detailed Description

Represents a three column, header and footer layout.

BorderPanel is similar to Java's BorderLayout. There are five slots: north, west, south, east and center. North and south are the header and footer slots respectively. West and east are the left and right sidebarse, respectively. And center is the content in the middle. These slots can have any number of components in them. The default slot is 'center'. Right now, BorderPanel is implemented using an HTML table, as CSS and divs do not have the same fluidity for this type of layout (despite what the CSS-zealots say). In the future, I may come up with a suitable CSS implementation for this class.

There are two types of layout for this container. The default one has north and south spanning the entire container and then west, center and east filling the middle from left to right. The second one (TKBorderPanel::LAYOUT_SQUASH_NS) has three columns: west, north/center/south (stacked on top of each other in the central column) and then east. That is, west and east span the entire container from top to bottom. Think of this layout as the default one rotated 90 degrees, but using different names for the slots.

  • layout numeric: one of TKBorderPanel::LAYOUT_DEFAULT or TKBorderPanel::LAYOUT_SQUASH_NS
  • north_class array: CSS classes for the north cell
  • north_style array: CSS inline style for the north cell
  • south_class array: CSS classes for the south cell
  • south_style array: CSS inline style for the south cell
  • west_class array: CSS classes for the west cell
  • west_style array: CSS inline style for the west cell
  • east_class array: CSS classes for the east cell
  • east_style array: CSS inline style for the east cell
  • center_class array: CSS classes for the center cell
  • center_style array: CSS inline style for the center cell

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TKBorderPanel::__construct (  ) 




Reimplemented from TKContainer.

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