SVCalendar Class Reference
[Calendar Generators]

A calendar (containing a set of events) that can be exported in VCalendar format. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 addEvent ($e)
 Add an event to this calendar.
 render ()
 Render this calendar in VCalendar format.
 renderEvents ()
 Render the events of this calendar in VCalendar format, for inclusion in the final calendar output.
 setName ($name)
 Set the name of this calendar.

Detailed Description

A calendar (containing a set of events) that can be exported in VCalendar format.

This class represents a calendar in VCalendar (iCal-compatible) format. You can set the name of the calendar and add events using the addEvent() function. Then, you can dump the calendar in VCalendar format using the render() method.

Jonathan Stuart-Moore <>

Valerie Gartland <>

Member Function Documentation

SVCalendar::addEvent ( e  ) 

Add an event to this calendar.

$e [SVEvent]: The event to be added to the calendar

SVCalendar::render (  ) 

Render this calendar in VCalendar format.

Return a string encoding of this calendar and its event objects that can be saved directly as a VCalendar file and read by iCal, etc.

[string]: The VCalendar representation of this calendar

SVCalendar::renderEvents (  ) 

Render the events of this calendar in VCalendar format, for inclusion in the final calendar output.

Loop through all the SVEvents for this calendar and ask them to render themselves in VCalendar format. Buffer and return the output for inclusion in the final calendar output.

[string]: The VCalendar representation of this calendar's events

SVCalendar::setName ( name  ) 

Set the name of this calendar.

This will be added to the VCalendar file for the attribute "X-WR-CALNAME"

$name [string]: The name of the calendar

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