FormInput Class Reference

This class represents an input for an xform. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($inputType, $label, $ref="", $validType="", $required="", $value="", $items="", $appearance="", $description="")
 Builds a new input object.
 buildInput ()
 this builds the tags for an input in the middle of an xform, determining the layout and description for an input.
 buildInstance ()
 this builds an instance at top of the xform, determining a validation type and whether a value is required.
 setDescription ($d)
 sets the description to a new value.

Detailed Description

This class represents an input for an xform.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FormInput::__construct ( inputType,
ref = "",
validType = "",
required = "",
value = "",
items = "",
appearance = "",
description = "" 

Builds a new input object.

$inputType [string]: what type of input (e.g., textbox, dropdown)
$label [string]: label displayed with input
$ref [string]: XML reference for input
$validType [string]: validation type for this input according to SValidator
$required [boolean]: whether input is required for this form
$value [mixed]: default value for input
$items [mixed]: list of choices for dropdown box or set of check boxes
$appearance [string]: appearance of input (e.g., minimal or not)
$description [string]: additional description for input

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