[PR2 Modules]

Collaboration diagram for Templates:
Classes that determine what parts of a layout should be generated and in what order. More...


class  computingMattersTemplate
 A template for the layout of ComputingMatters-style sites. More...
class  HPCUTemplate
 Template for an HPCU-style page. More...
class  ICLCSLeftSideBar
 Template for a content page with a left side bar. More...
class  ICLCSOneFeature
 Template for a content page with an upper feature well and the path below the feature. More...
class  LeftSideBarContent
 Template for a content page with a left side bar. More...
class  OneFeatureContent
 Template for a content page with an upper feature well and the path below the feature. More...
class  OneFeatureContentRightSideBar
 Template for a content page with an upper feature well and a right side bar. More...
class  PrintTemplate
 A page template that hides everything but the content. More...
class  RightSideBarContent
 Template for a content page with a right side bar. More...
class  SPageTemplate
 The base class for page templates that all other page template classes should extend. More...
class  SplashPageNoCols
 Template for a splash page with two feature wells and no columns. More...
class  SplashPageTwoColsRightSideBar
 Template for a splash page with two columns and a right side bar in the content. More...
class  SplashPageTwoGrid
 Template for an upper feature well and lower feature well, each with two columns (and no content well). More...
class  SplashPageTwoLowerCols
 Template for an upper feature well with one column and a lower feature well with two columns (and no content well). More...
class  SplashPageTwoUpperCols
 Template for an upper feature well with two columns and a lower feature well one column (and no content well). More...
class  TabbedContent
 Template for a content page with two levels of tabs at the top. More...
class  TabbedContentFeatureWellNoTopBars
 Template for a tabbed content page with a feature well but no top bars. More...
class  TabbedContentLeftSideBar
 Template for a content page with tabs at the top and a left side bar. More...
class  TabbedContentNoTitle
 Template for a content page with tabs and a topbar at the top (but no title or path bar). More...
class  TabbedContentNoTopBars
 Template for a content page with tabs at the very top (no title, path, or topbar). More...
class  TabbedContentRightSideBar
 Template for a content page with tabs at the top and a right side bar. More...
class  TwoColumnContent
 Template for a content page with two columns. More...

Detailed Description

Classes that determine what parts of a layout should be generated and in what order.

Generated on Wed Nov 24 02:01:32 2010 for Common by  doxygen 1.5.6